Other People

Sometimes I find being around other people really unbearable. I look around at other people and I feel disappointed with how awful they are. There are so many bad people in this world. I think there is something wrong with me since I have such an inability to like anyone else. It's very rare that I meet someone and really comprehend who they are. I guess other people probably feel the same way about me, and that's okay.

This really came to the forefront last weekend when I went out with a couple of friends. There was someone there who I am not really friends with, but is a closer friend of another friend of mine. I just can't stand him. He's such an awful obnoxious person and it really made me lose faith in humanity. I can't understand how anyone like him could exist, but I feel like he is the sort of person who has opinions that a lot of other people have as well.

I want to like other people, I really do. I would like to have friends that have things in common with me and who don't make me want to bash my head in, but it's so hard to meet people like that. It's probably more of a problem that I have to solve within myself than an issue that's the fault of others to be honest. Oh well. I guess I'll just grow up to be one of those old people who is really grumpy and yells at children to get off of their lawn. Except I probably won't have a lawn because I live in the city.

Not related but I like this nail blog.